Tuesday 17 September 2013

It has been confirmed. The UK Border Agency has stated it is fact that Love at First Sight does not exist.
This is all due to the 'fact' that I met my wife and when I tried to explain to the Border Agency that is was Love at First Sight, they laughed at us. They spent time interrogating my wife when she applied for her visa and then informed her that our marriage is not genuine because we had only spent 5 days physically together beforehand. Thus stating that Love at First Sight is not real and genuine. And as the officer has to follow the rules and guidelines set out by the Government, this proves that the Government believes, and has proven, that Love at First Sight does not exist, it never has existed and will never exist in the future.
So all you people in the world who say you are in love. If it took less than a year for you to fall in love, the UK Government says it is all a lie.

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